Tex At Site’s unique Comprehensive Management System (CMS) will undertake all test and calibration requirements for your business including the documentation and record keeping responsibilities. Our CMS provides a hassle-free ongoing structure for total management of your inventory.

This Tex At Site exclusive CMS is supported by our vast range of in-house, on-site products as well as our close network of specialist outsource suppliers Australia-wide, providing a one-stop shop for test & calibration requirements.
The cornerstone of the CMS is through the application of three available service methodologies:
- in-house, on-site
- in-house at our laboratory
- outsource specialist items to our approved expert suppliers
Through the utilisation of the CMS, we are particularly interested in promoting our Whole of Business service rate which offers significant discounts where Tex At Site services all of the client’s sites across Australia.
This innovative Comprehensive Management System is designed with the client in mind, providing peace of mind in compliance whilst dealing with one supplier nationally for all test & calibration needs.
Our CMS links in perfectly with and is supported by our:
- Client Accessed Secure Data Management Service
- Compliance Due Date Reminder System
- Works Scheduling Calendar Management Procedure